WNR Strikes Back

After a long hiatus, WNR is making a resurgence. I think the most coherent way is to explain the new WNR is through some questions and answers.

Why WNR? How is that different from the old model?

Two weeks ago, several staffers got together to discuss what to do about WNR. The meeting concluded with the belief that while we had been right to expand our platform and move away from a radio show that was both outdated and inefficient, our decision to switch topics was wrong. The original topic of conflict, which has spread beyond Iraq and Afghanistan, was a unifying factor for our mission, structure, and community.

We are returning to the War News Radio name, but rebranding it exclusively as WNR just as National Public Radio has rebranded itself to NPR.

What does the new structure look like? How is it different?

We are still experimenting. Broadly, it has a similar topic as the original War News Radio, but we will no longer be producing a radio show. We will have a weekly video round up of news, along with pieces utilizing every form of multimedia. We will once again have weekly roles, which will come in the following email. All content posted to the site must still be vetted by Jim.

A return to covering conflict does not mean a return to the old model. Our new multimedia focus is more efficient and more easily distributable. It can reach a far greater audience and will be much less time consuming to produce.

Where are we now?

A group of members began the restart two weeks ago. We have 4 pieces produced and a video newscast that should be out by tomorrow. This is a proof that a new WNR is possible.

What about Lodge 6?

Lodge 6 was intended to be a broad foundational organization meant to support numerous activist journalism projects. We envision WNR as a part of the larger umbrella of Lodge 6. As always, students are welcome to start their own projects.

Disclaimer: I pretty much wrote this unilaterally, but with some helpful editing from Amy DiPierro and Jared Nolan. This is the situation as far as I understand it. If anyone has more questions, feel free to email the list or me personally.

Alan Zhao

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