Sudan’s Social Media Propaganda Problem

Mass protests toppled Sudan’s decades-old dictatorship last April. The country is now governed by a transitional council, and many advocates for democracy are hopeful. But at this crucial juncture in their history, the Sudanese people are confronted with an increasingly familiar challenge: propaganda disseminated through Facebook and other online platforms.…

When Things Fall Apart: Episode 2

In the last episode of When Things Fall Apart, we examined the issue of educational inequity and the wave of student protests that took place in post-Apartheid South Africa. This week, we explore Equal Education, a movement that seeks to develop a standard for basic education across South Africa. We…

When Things Fall Apart: Episode 1

As part of a project connecting to Professor of Political Science Emily Paddon-Rhoads’ class on the Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa, several Swatties examine the recent wave of student protests fighting against continued educational inequity that haunts post-Apartheid South Africa. We speak to four alumni of the University of Cape Town…

Fly Away Drones

Today, for the first time, President Obama acknowledged and rigorously defended drone strikes targeting militants in Yemen and other parts of the world. At least to my ears, the speech is a clear response to critics who say drone strikes are an unconstitutional use of executive power and a violation…