Politics live blog: Ed Miliband’s “Made in Britain” speech and David Cameron on public service reform

Rolling coverage of all the day’s political developments as they happen, including Ed Miliband’s “Made in Britain” speech and David Cameron being grilled by MPs on public service reform

9.08am: Vince Cable (pictured), the business secretary, was on the Today programme earlier. He said there was “broad agreement” in the cabinet that if the 50p top rate of tax were to go, it would have to be replaced by another tax on the wealthy. Here’s his quote, which I’ve taken from PoliticsHome.

If the 50p rate were to go, it should be replaced by taxation of wealth because the wealthy people of the country have to pay their share.The mansion tax is actually a very economically sensible way of doing it.

8.50am: We’ve got plenty to keep us busy today. Ed Miliband on the case for buying British in the morning, David Cameron on public service reform and foreign policy in the afternoon and much else in between. Here’s the diary for the day.

9am: The cabinet meets.

10am: Former Scotland Yard commissioners Lord Condon and Lord Stevens and Lynne Owens, chief constable of Surry police, give evidence to the Leveson inquiry.

Ed Miliband gives a speech entitled “Made in Britain: The Case for Patriotism not Protectionism.” As Patrick Wintour reports, Miliband will call for a more prominent standard Made in Britain label on all British products.

Miliband takes questions from listeners on Victoria Derbyshire’s show on Radio 5 Live.

2pm: Vince Cable, the business secretary, speaks to the Engineering Employers Federation.

2.20pm: Kenneth Clarke, the justice secretary, gives evidence to the joint committee on human rights about his plan to allow the courts to take evidence from the intelligence services in private. The committee is reportedly very sceptical about his proposals.

2.30pm: George Osborne takes questions in the Commons.

After 3pm:
Peers resume their debate on the health bill.

4pm: David Cameron gives evidence to the Commons liaison committee. The committee will ask him about public service reform, Syria and Iran in a session lasting 90 minutes. I’ll be covering it in detail.

As usual, I’ll be covering all the breaking political news, as well as looking at the papers and bringing you the best politics from the web. I’ll post a lunchtime summary at around 1pm and another after Cameron has finished his session with the liaison committee.

If you want to follow me on Twitter, I’m on @AndrewSparrow.

And if you’re a hardcore fan, you can follow @gdnpoliticslive. It’s an automated feed that tweets the start of every new post that I put on the blog.

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from Andrew Sparrow

via http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/blog/2012/mar/06/edmiliband-davidcameron

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