Assad emails: ‘Killings and violence are indefensible’

From: Fawaz Akhras [XXXXXXXXXXXX]
Subject: Fwd: Strictly Private and Confidential
Date: 23 June 2011 12:47:00 BST
To: “A”

Love u xxx

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Wafic Said" <[XXXXXXXXXXXX]>
Date: 23 June 2011 08:28:47 GMT+01:00
To: Fawaz Akhras <[XXXXXXXXXXXX]>
Subject: Strictly Private and Confidential

Strictly private and Confidential

My dear Fawaz

Thank you for your email about next week’s BSS meeting. I know that this is an extremely important meeting but unfortunately I cannot attend as I shall be in Turkey with my family for a long standing commitment which I cannot change.

Our Society is facing a very difficult and delicate situation. We have to be sympathetic to the concerns of all our Members and in particular the British ones. They have served us well and we should make them comfortable by trying to understand their position – it is sad because I cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel. The current situation in Syria is simply unacceptable and the continuing killings and violence are indefensible. It is a fact that, in the circumstances, the BSS cannot fulfil its mission and I believe that there is little the Society can do for the foreseeable future. Our position has become untenable and unfortunately our Society will be dormant for a long period.

I have to say that I would myself have resigned had you not been our chairman because you are my dear friend and I do not want to put you in any way in an awkward or embarrassing position.

I hope you will understand how very sad it makes me to be writing like this. I have always been so proud to be a director of the BSS and of our achievements under your leadership. It has been a pleasure working with you and Ghayth and our other directors and members to advance relations between Britain and our beloved country and I hope that one day we will be able to do so again.

With warm wishes

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